
Showing posts from May, 2020

The day to clean water sources- Story of exemplary work from group of heritage enthusiasts

झी सकसितं प्रेरणा या बिषय ख थ्व। थौं नेपाल संबत ११४० तछलाथ्व षष्ठि २०२० मे महिना २८ तारिख बिहिबार थौं नेवा तयगु बिशेष दिन - ल या मुहान त सफा यायगु दिन। सिथि नखः। तुं ईलेगु , हिति सफा यायगु। थौं या दिनसं ल्यायम्ह तयगु छगु पुच, स्वयमसेवक, सम्पदा अभियन्ता तयगु लों हिति संरक्षण यागु ज्या या बाखं झिसं स्वयगु अति उपयुक्त जु। काठमाण्डौ या बिजेश्वरि पाखे मल्लकालिन ल्हों हिति छपु दु धैगु सुचं या आधारे लकडाउन या बखते नं थपिं हे साबेल पिक ज्वना वना उत्खनन याना आ तसकं बांलागु अबस्थाय थ्यंगु दु। ईच्छा व मं तया ज्या यासा त तधंगु ज्या नं याना वने फई धईगु दसु ख थ्व । छक स्वया दिसं छुं मदयके ल्हाना छ्वय धुंकुगु झी नेवा तयगु सम्पदा पु वंक्क धैथें पुलांगु अबस्थाय थ्यंगुकु पिन्त यक्व सुभाय। Today is year of Nepal 1140 month of TachhalaThwo 6th day, i.e. year 2020 May 29th Thursday is the day in Nepal called 'Sithhi Nakha:'. The is the day Newar people clean sources of water. Needless to say the importance of the water in these (any other time as a matter of fact) days. On this day Newars cle

Sugat Saurav - by Chittadhar - Nepal's most revered person in literature

Sugat Saurav - Nepal's biggest literature by Chittadhar - one of the most admired writers of Nepal During the time, when there was no democracy in the country, he was jailed for spreading the education. During the time in jail, he started writing about a book, wrote page by page, and was smuggled out of jail. His sister saved it to be published at a later date. The book became to be named as  Sugat Saurav , one of treasures in Nepalese literature. With 20 chapters and 359 pages was printed in Calcutta and made Chittadhar, the writer and educationalist one of the most revered writers of Nepal if not the best writer. The book was published 75 years ago and still stands at one of the greatest Nepalese books of all time. The book describes the life of Sidhartha Gautam Budhha in poems. Today 2020 May 18 i.e. year of Nepal 1140, month of Bachhalaga 11th day falls as the 114th Birthday of Chittadhar. Advertisement: For Minecraft Lovers: Watch and Like and Sub

Budhha Jayanti 2020 बुद्ध जयन्ति- स्वांया पुन्हि या भिंतुना

बुद्ध जयन्ति- स्वांया पुन्हि नेपाल संबत ११४० या भिंतुना छपु तसकं बांलागु म्ये छपु न्यने। करुणामयया थ्व म्ये सं नेपाल लिपि या subtitle नं दुः 𑐠𑑁𑑄 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐳𑑄𑐧𑐟 𑑑𑑑𑑔𑑐 𑐧𑐕𑐮𑐵𑐠𑑂𑐰 𑐥𑐸𑐣𑑂𑐴𑐶 𑐨𑐐𑐰𑐵𑐣 𑐧𑐸𑐡𑑂𑐢 𑐖𑐫𑐣𑑂𑐟𑐶 𑐫𑐵 𑐥𑐸𑐞𑑂𑐫 𑐟𑐶𑐠𑐶𑐳𑑄 𑐨𑐶𑑄𑐟𑐸𑐣𑐵 𑐡𑐾𑐕𑐵𑐳𑐾𑑄, 𑐕𑐥𑐸 𑐣𑑂𑐴𑑂𑐫𑐃𑐥𑐸𑐐𑐸 𑐎𑐬𑐸𑐞𑐵𑐩𑐫𑐫𑐵 𑐧𑐣𑑂𑐡𑐣𑐵 𑐳𑐎𑐳𑑂𑐫𑐵𑑄 𑐣𑑂𑐫𑐣𑐾𑑋 𑐣𑐵𑐥𑑄 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐮𑐶𑐥𑐶 𑐫𑐵 𑐁𑐏 𑐣𑑄 𑐣𑐵𑐥𑑄 𑐣𑐵𑐥𑑄 𑐳𑑂𑐰𑐫𑑋 On the occasion of Budhha Jayanti 2020, may peace prevail on earth. Enjoy a smooth Capella song about the Karunamaya - the Compassionate one. This is an evergreen song. 𑐱𑑂𑐬𑐷 𑐁𑐬𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐰𑐮𑑀𑐎𑐶𑐟𑐾𑐱𑑂𑐰𑐬 𑐱𑐬𑐞 𑐢𑐣𑑂𑐫 𑐢𑐵𑐫 𑐮𑑀𑐎𑐾𑐱𑑂𑐰𑐬 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑐵𑐞𑐷 𑐬𑐎𑑂𑐲𑐵 𑐫𑐵𑐟 𑐬𑐾 (𑐢𑐸) 𑐎𑐣𑐎 𑐔𑐿𑐟𑑂𑐫 𑐣𑑂𑐴𑑂𑐫𑑀𑐣𑐾 𑐟𑐳𑐾, 𑐢𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐣 𑐩𑐶𑐏𑐵𑑄 𑐳𑑂𑐰𑐳𑐾 𑐬𑐾𑑋 𑐡𑐾𑐰 𑐡𑐿𑐟𑑂𑐫 𑐣𑐵𑐐 𑐫𑐎𑑂𑐲 𑐳𑐎𑐮 𑐄𑐡𑑂𑐰𑐵𑐬 𑐫𑐵𑐟 𑐬𑐾𑑋 𑐀𑐩𑐶𑐟𑐵𑐨 𑐱𑐶𑐬𑐾 𑐟𑐳𑐾 𑐮𑑀𑐎 𑐄𑐡𑑂𑐰𑐵𑐬 𑐫𑐵𑐟 𑐬𑐾𑑋 𑐳𑐴